

Benefits of Copyright Registration

The subsequent are some of the significant benefits of registering your work and availing copyright protection:

  1. Copyright protection generates a public record of the possession by the copyright owner.
  2. Copyright protection allows the owner of the copyright to take lawful action counter to infringers in a court.
  3. If the lawful action is taken prior to or within a definite period from the date of publication, it empowers satisfactory proof in court relating to the legitimacy of the copyright and the truths that are stated in the certificate of copyright.
  4. If registration is completed within a little span of time the individual’s work or at any time prior to the infringement of the copyrighted work, the copyright holder is allowed to the entitlement of statutory damages in a high court. Devoid of the process registration, only an award associated with actual harms and returns will be made obtainable, and these can be quite complex to prove in a court of law.
  5. Licenses the copyright holder to record the registration with Indian Customs to aid in security against the import of invading copies into India.
Validity of Copyright Protection

Normally, copyright protection is effective for a period of 60 years. In the instance of original fictional, theatrical, harmonious, creative works, the 60-year period is calculated from the year subsequent to the death of the author. In the case of cinematograph films, sound footages, photographs, subsequent publications, unnamed and pseudonymous publications, works of government and works of worldwide organizations, the 60-year period is calculated from the date of publication


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Copyright Registration



Copyright Registration

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