

The Partnership Act has been present in India ever since 1932, making partnerships one of the eldest kinds of business entities in India. A partnership firm can even be listed after it is made. There are per se no punishments for non-Registration of a Partnership firm. But unlisted Partnership firms are deprived of specific rights under section 69 of the Partnership Act that chiefly transacts with the effects of non-Registration of Partnership firms.

Simple to begin: Partnership firms are the utmost at ease to set up, and the lone condition in the majority of cases is a Partnership deed.

Making Decision : In a Partnership firm, decision-making is quicker as there is no notion such as passing the resolution. The Associates of Partnership firms in India delight in a range of authorities as they can start any business in the best interests of the Partner’s consent.

Raising of Capitals: A Partnership firm can swiftly raise capital in comparison to a Proprietorship firm. Also, the banks experience Partnerships more promising while permitting credit services in contrast to a Proprietorship firm.

Feeling of Ownership: As each of the Partners is the owner, the partners have the right to cope up and control the firm’s actions. The tasks may be diverse, but individuals in a Partnership firm are organized for a common cause. Ownership produces a higher sense of responsibility and belongingness, which aids in making a hardworking workforce.


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Partnership Registration



Partnership Registration

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