
A company is denoted as a Section 8 Company when it is listed as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) or Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) i.e. at the time it has the aim of endorsing arts, commerce, education, donations, guarding of environment, sports, science, research, social welfare, religion and proposes to utilize its profits (if any) or other earnings for under section 8(1a, 1b, 1c) of the Companies Act, 2013.

Who will be Arranging & doing the Registration of Your Section 8 Company?

  • A board of more than 25 competent Chartered Accountants who are at all times ready to offer you satisfactory online support.
  • Our valued CAs will be organizing to handle your accounts individually
  • India’s utmost competent CA panel
  • 360° corporate legitimate support
  • Paper free records

Advantages of Registration of Sec-8 Company from VYAPAR AADHAR

  • Customer Care obtainable in 6 diverse languages as well as English
  • Free Consultations — Voluntarily accessible!
  • Free Company PAN, TAN Card, Form 14 and Form 15 Sec 8 Registering beside DIN allocation
  • Simplifying Current Account opening by any desired banking division
  • Enlisting of Company Goal (AOA, MOA + MCA associated Objections) at ZERO COST
  • Free Enlisting of SPICe+ Part A and SPICe+ Part B
  • Call, E-mail, Chat Provision
  • Recommendable Facility at a Matchless Charge


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Section 8 Company Registration



Section 8 Company Registration

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